Over (2015): Short Film Research

Sound design is a particularly important micro-element used in this short film which I would use in my own film. There is no use of music, which therefore highlights the importance and dramatic effect of sound to create verisimilitude when retelling this story based on true events. An effective moment that shows this is the beginning sequence. Due to the minimalistic slow panning establishing shot with dark, obscuring nightlight, we are drawn to engage our senses more to discover what is going on focusing in on what we can see and hear. Therefore, the sound of the street at night with the natural breeze is enhanced, making it all the more shocking when this is disrupted by this falling body.

Temporal markers are used in this film to aid the narrative. They are simple, white titles at the bottom left of the screen. The way in which cinematography and editing cleanly and simply presents the events and the passage of time makes the film feel almost documentary-like. We are positioned by the camera to watch the action from a distance, rather than aligning with a character. This is contrasted as there are more and more edits after the body is discovered. For example the close up shots of the items in the evidence bags build excitement and tension for the viewer.


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