This film was a documentary-style film, centred around a 999 operator. It gives us an insight into the highly stressful atmosphere of an emergency call, and evokes empathy for a job which we don't give much thought about. A sense of continuity is created with the inclusion of the more trivial calls at the beginning of the film, and we are given the impression that the cycle will continue until another emergency call comes in. I think that the use of cinematography in the beginning of the film is particularly effective, as the close-up shots with panning movements establish the space of the call centre, without using dialogue. Overall, the cinematography is actually very minimal, as it facilitates the importance of the performance and the sound of the phone call Not many kinds of shots are actually used, we see meduim close ups, close ups, medium shots and over the shoulder shots. But we remain in the same small space for the whole of the film. The ending is open, as with the begin...